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Pink Eye
An infection has broken out...
929,184 citizens have been infected... 2 clues have been solved by citizens...
Redeem research points for prizes, we need your help!
Pink Eye
You may enter each clue only once
Research points can been turned in for...
1 Point: 200 Q5 food (or equivalent)
2 Points: 500 Q5 food (or equivalent) OR $1,000cc
3 Points: 1000 Q5 food (or equivalent) OR $2,500cc
4 Points: 500 Q7 food (or equivalent) OR $4,000cc
5 Points: 1000 Q7 food (or equivalent) OR $9,000cc
6 Points: $12,000cc
10 Points: $20,000cc
The citizen that collects the most clues by the end of the event will get their choice of any $10 pack in eRepublik!
Citizens with the most research points by the end of the event will earn additional cc prizes.
-You can check your research points or spend them by private messaging KingTaco-
You must be an eUSA citizen to enter.